Ultimate QUIZ Maker
This is the name of your quiz. It's only informational.
This is the identificator. Under this ID, you'll be able to access your quiz. Since it needs to be unique, I might override it if it isn't.
Questions to Ask:
This number specifies how many questions will be asked every time this quiz is played. Leave empty so that all questions are asked.
Next Button Text:
This is the text that shows on the next button between questions.
Quiz Finished Text:
This is the text that shows on top of the screen when the quiz is finished.
Points Text:
This is the text that shows next to the point counter.
Correct Text:
This is the text that shows next to the correct answers counter.
Incorrect Text:
This is the text that shows next to the incorrect answers counter.
Rating Text:
This is the text that shows next to the rating.
Fail Rating:
This is the rating you get when you score zero or less points.
Bad Rating:
This is the rating you get when you score between 0% and 30% of the total points.
Ok Rating:
This is the rating you get when you score between 30% and 60% of the total points.
Good Rating:
This is the rating you get when you score between 60% and 85% of the total points.
Great Rating:
This is the rating you get when you score over 85% of the total points.
Try Again Text:
This is the text that shows up on the button that lets you try the quiz again.
Return Text:
This is the text that shows up on the button that lets you return to a specified page.