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0. Header
0.1. Explanation
1. Syntax
2. Variables
2.1. Math
2.2. Key Variables
3. Commands
3.1. Out
4. Modules
4.1. Math
4.1.1. Factorial Operator

Python Interpreted Language X Official Documentation

This is the official documentation of the Python Interpreted Language X. You may use the Navigation on the right side of the screen to quickly find the section you would like to read about.


In this documentation you can find styled text. Here is a quick overview of what is what:
I'm a block of code!
I'm a multiline
block of code!
I'm an explaining block of code!
I'm an output of a block of code!

Example in python: print("Hello World!")
We will print hello world to the screen.
Hello World!


There are four types of commands you can perform: Comments (use the / symbol), Variables (use the + symbol), Inclusion (use the > symbol) and Regular Commands (surround the command name with square brackets).
Every command except for comments and inclusions need to end with a semicolon (;). You cannot have more than one command per line.

Examples: /I'm a comment!
+var="I'm a variable!";
>i im_a_library
[out]"I'm a command!";
I'm a command!


You create the + symbol to create variables.
+hi="Hello World!"; Creates a variable "hi" with value "Hello World!"
You can create Strings ("Hello"), Numbers (17, note: all numbers in PILX are saved as floats) and Booleans (true, booleans are not case sensitive). +string = "Hello!";
+number = 17.84;
+bool = false;


You can quickly perform operations with numbers by adding another character after the + before the variable name. +a=1;
++a; a now contains 2
+*a; a now contains 4 (* is the square operator)
+-a; a now contains 3
+^a; a now contains 27 (^ raises the number to its power)
>i math; We will need to import the math module in order to use the factorial operator.
+!a; a now contains 120

Key Variables

You can access special values using key variables. These are formed by using the key keyword, followed by a dot and the variable name. Here are some examples: key.help; Basic information about the key variables and lists all possible variables you can access.
key.variables; Only usable in [out]; Prints all variables defined thus far, including all key variables and their values.


All commands must be surrounded with square brackets, their parameters come after.


Used to print a single value to the console. The value can be a literal or a variable.
Syntax: [out]value;
Example: [out]"Hello World";
Hello World


You can import modules using the inclusion operator (>) and using the command i, which stands for import.
Syntax: >i module_name

Math >i math

Math allows the usage of the factorial operator (+!variable;)

Factorial Operator

You can use the Factorial Operator (!) to multiply a number by all positive integers lesser than the original number and greater than zero.
Math Explanation: 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
Example: +a=4;
+!a; a now stores 4*3*2*1 which is equal to 24